The knowledgeable, experienced and compassionate Rockford attorneys at Legacy Estate Planning & Elder Law know firsthand the challenges faced by families dealing with legal issues surrounding their loved ones and their assets. 

People often tell us we are not like other lawyers. Since we have all worked in the legal community for over half our lives, we are well aware of the poor reputation attorneys tend to have among the general public. As such, we take that sentiment as a compliment.

Attorneys Charles E. Cottrell, Christine L. Senkowski and Theresa K. Cottrell take great pride in representing their clients with the vigor and compassion needed to ensure their rights are protected. Specializing in client-driven results, we partner with our clients to attain their goals in a cost-effective manner. Our focus on prompt, open communication and candid, practical advice helps our clients make truly informed decisions every step of the way. 

Failure to plan is planning to fail. We have seen firsthand what happens when people fail to plan for the future — expensive, exhausting and time-consuming issues for everyone left dealing with the fallout. We can help your loved ones avoid this scenario. We are committed to helping our clients move forward from a challenging and emotional situation to find a new normal. 

Whether you are currently dealing with a legal issue, want to protect yourself and your family ahead of time or you simply what to know your options — we are here to help.

For more information about the family law attorneys at Legacy Estate Planning & Elder Law, please contact us here or call our office directly at 616.866.0902